Wednesday 22 October 2014

Research & planning - existing pop magazine analysis

This is an example of a pop magazine with a similar target audience to mine. The prominent colour on this magazine cover is yellow and i feel like having the title as the prominent colour makes the magazine stand out. The shot type of this cover is a medium close up/ close up which i find effective as you can really see the facial expression of the person. The shot also takes up the whole page which could sometimes make the page look overcrowded but in this case i think the cover looks simple. I think the fact that he picture is in black and white compliments the yellow masthead as it makes it look bolder. The masthead is the largest writing as people will recognize the magazine for it's name so it is the first thing they look for. The rest of the writing is very minimal which is a good thing because the cover would look crowded otherwise.

Research & planning -target audience for music magazine

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Research & planning - existing pop magazines- billboard

billboard magazine is a pop/R&B so i looked at these magazine covers to influence my magazine cover as my cover is a mature pop magazine.

interview questions

these are the questions i used for my questionnaire that i have previously uploaded.

college magazine drawn draft

this is a rough magazine draft of the college magazine i have already uploaded.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

college magazine photos- analysis

At first i chose a mid shot of the model i used for my college magazine, when putting my front cover together, i realized there was not enough space for the writing and it looked very cramped. i then chose to take another picture which was a wide shot.

this picture is the one i eventually chose because it has a large space around it which means i can put a lot of writing such as the stories. It also meant i could show the models body language to the readers.

mood board- fashion

this mood board shoes the fashion the readers of my magazine would wear. i would use fashion to attract my readers to the magazine as teenagers are very fashion conscious.

mood board- celebrities

this is a mood board of celebrities that fit in with my genre of magazine i will be doing which is 'pop' but for more mature teenage girls (around 15-19). These celebrities are the typical celebrities that i will feature in my magazine when doing it.

college magazine questions- video interview

I interviewed 2 people and asked them general questions about a college magazine to influence my front cover which i have designed. I chose to upload this video over the other one as this is more informative and gives me more detailed answers.
From this video, i got that i need to make my magazine colourful. i will therefore make the background a bright colour or make the writing a bright colour. He also said that he would like to see news about the college and lots of pictures so on the ocntents page i will ensure that there is alot of news on the contents page and on the kickers on the front page. I will also have to put giveaways and competitions in the magazine.

InDesign tutorial

i started off by using the rectangle tool and dragging the box over the whole page. i the filled the box with the colour pink and ensured the rectangle box was to the edges of the page.

i then created 2 text box's at the top of the page and on the first column. I did this because it made the page look more like a magazine.

I then got a picture of the band '5 seconds of summer' as this is a  music magazine. The picture was too large so i chose the tool 'fit to frame' to make it smaller.
After this i changed the format of the file to JPEG so i could upload it to my blog as a picture.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

masthead research

these are potential magazine masthead fonts for my college magazine. i got these fonts off ''

i like the 1st one the most as it is the most simple and is bold. Whereas the other ones are very 'messy' and would look out of place on a magazine as they are not bold enough to be a masthead.
The second one is to faded to be a masthead and would blend in to the rest of the page. The third one looks very messy and looks as if it has been hand drawn. I do like the fourth one because it is bold and a solid font but it is a very thin font and i feel like the first one would look bolder and would stand out more. The fifth one is very slim and does not stand out enough to be a masthead. although it is not bold enough for a masthead, it would be a good font for a headline or a kicker. The last one would not suit my college magazine as it is more suited to a magazine such as a cars magazine.