Friday 30 January 2015

Double page spread process 7

I started off by using the font 'georgia' which I used for the large letter 'S'. I then used the font 'book man old style' and did the rest of the font in this writing but did it in column's to make it look more organised and professional.

Double page spread process 6

The next thing i did was to add the intro to my interview. I did this in the font 'lucida handwriting'.

Double page spread process 5

The next thing i did was to add the quote to the page. I used the speech marks in the font 'gills sans ultra bold' and changed the colour to pink to make it stand out. After that i added the text in the font 'Bebas neue' which i downloaded from

Double page spread process 4

I then added the image to an A3 double page spread and put it on the left side of the double page spread so i can put the writing on the right hand side.

Double page spread process 3

The next step i did was to whiten the teeth. I did this like i did it on the front cover! I used the paint brush tool to go round the teeth using white then changed the opacity to reduce the 'fakeness' and make them look more natural.

Double page spread process 2

The next thing i did was use the spot healing tool to reduce imperfections on her face.

Double page spread process 1

My first step was to remove the background of the picture i am using for my double page spread as i want the background to be white as it makes it look more professional.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Contents page process 7

The final step of my contents page is to add 2 pictures of celebrities and add the page numbers to them.

Contents page process 6

The next step was to add a drop shadow onto the writing in the purple circle to make it stand out.

Contents page process 5

The next step i did was to add a circle and make it purple as it is a bright colour which fits in with my genre. I then changed the opacity so you could half see through it and added writing in white on it so it would stand out. I situated it on top of the image so it is overlapping.

Contents page process 4

Next i did the same as before but for the second half for the features.

Contents page process 3

Next i added a blue box which matches the colour of the circle from the front cover to keep the magazine consistent. I then decided to split my contents page into 2 sections (cover articles and feature articles) and put 'on the cover' in white over the blue box to make it stand out. I then added the page numbers of the articles mentioned on the cover and put these in pink to highlight them. I then put the title of the article next to the page numbers in bold and a short sentence to summarise the article.

Contents page process 2

I then added a 'contents' title and used the font 'Trebuchet ms' which is the same font from the front cover as i want to keep my magazine consistent on the front cover and contents page. I also used the same colour for the title as i used on the front cover.

Contents page process 1

I started off by removing the background of my picture in photoshop and then placing it onto a white A4 document. I placed it down the side of my page.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Front cover process 13

The next and final step of my front cover (before improvements) was to add oblongs down the side of the page which re different colours then add various fonts into each shape with artists names. Also i added a drop shadow to my writing on my circle to make it stand out.

Front cover process 12

Next i added an oblong shape which is the same colour as the font fro the title. I then added writing into it using the font ' CY' and changed the colour to white so it would stand out against the pink background. I then added more writing in the same font but int he colour black and placed it right below the pink shape.

Front cover process 11

Next i added a blue circle shape and put the layer behind the picture and increased the opacity. I then added writing into it using the font 'copperplate gothic bold' and changed the colour of the writing to white. After this i changed the writing so it was slightly slanted.

Front cover process 10

After i decided to change my target audience and i re-started on my magazine, I added a cover line of my models name. I used the font called 'bubblegum' from and changed it to yellow as it is the cover line and needs to stand out from everything else.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Front cover process 9

After asking people's opinions on my last updated cover page I came to the conclusion that i need to make it more appropriate to the genre. This is currently difficult as my target audience is both genders. For me to make it more appropriate to the genre i am going to change my target audience to just females so i can use more vibrant colours such as pink.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Front cover process 8

Next i added all my writing including the cover title. I decided to changer the font to Blue as it then appeals to both genders. Also, i decided to stick to a blue, white and black colour scheme.

Front cover process 7

The next step i made in my front cover process was to add a barcode which made it look more professional.

Front cover process 6

I decided that my font i previously used did not look right. I changed the font to 'trebuchet ms' which i got from

Thursday 15 January 2015

Front cover process 5

I then considered weather i want to keep the title black or change it to blue. I decided to keep it black as it is more simple and bold. i feel like the blue blends in to much with the models top and the black contrasts with it.

Front cover process 4

The next process was adding a title to my magazine. I then inserted the title onto my cover and made the font size '130pt' so it was large enough to cover the whole width of the page. I then placed it at the top of my page. I didn't know weather to situate it directly at the top of my page or with a small gap. I decided on having no gap as it made it look more compact and planned out. 

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Front cover process 3

Next, on the same layer as the eyebrows i painted over the teeth using the paint brush tool using white. I then used the opacity tool to make them look more natural and reduced the harshness. 

Front cover process 2

As you can see, i added 2 more layers for eyebrows and blemishes. 
For the eyebrows i used the paint brush tool and made the size of the brush smaller and made it less harsh and faded. I then chose a brown colour which matched her eyebrows and went around them and filled them in to make them more defined.
For the blemishes i used the spot healing tool and went over any marks on her face to reduce them and make the skin look more even. I also did this to reduce shine on the chin.

Front cover process 1

First of all i started by adding the top picture from the 2 below to an A4 blank page on photoshop. I then used the quick selection tool to select the background and to delete it making the back f the picture white. I then positioned the picture in the centre of the screen and enlarged it using the free transform tool.

Research & analysis - opinions on contents page and double page spread layout

contents page
When asking people what they thought of my cover page, they said that they like how clear the layout is and how there is a large image on one side of the page. They also like how there are smaller images along the bottom left of the page.

double page spread
When asking people what they thought of my double page spread, they said that they like how there is the large picture along one half of the page and how it is separate from the text. They also said they like how instead of a title for the article there is a quote as it lets you have an insight for the rest of the article.

Research & analysis - opinions on my cover layout

When asking people what they thought of my cover layout, many people said they like how the text overlaps the image as then the image would not get lost in the centre of the page. Also, everyone said how they like the fact that the title goes across the whole width of the page at the top as it will catch peoples eye.