Tuesday 10 February 2015

Front cover process 18

Next I added an image of sam smith to the left of my page. I added a yellow rectangle which is the same colour as the other one on my cover and added pink text to keep the theme consistent. The font was 'bebas neue' and the black font underneath is the same font.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Front cover process 17

The next thing I did was collect images of celebrities that can be used on the strip at the bottom for posters which will feature in the magazine as this will attract people to buy it if their favourite singer is in it.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Front cover process 16

Next i moved the date and the price from the top right as I thought it was taking up space. I deleted the date as I don't think it was necessary and made the barcode smaller so I could put the price underneath it.

Front cover process 15

The next thing I did was to add a rectangle box along the bottom of the page as the strip. I changed it to the colour of the masthead and cover line to make the cover consistent. I then placed the barcode in the strip. I added a title of '10 posters' in the font 'betas neue' and changed it to the same colour as the yellow box on the page. I then added the text 'your favourite celebrities' in the font 'lucida handwriting' and put it in white so it will stand out.

Front cover process 14

I decided I did not like some elements of my front cover so I decided to change a few things. i started by deleting the rectangle boxes from down the side of the page and the writing from it. I then changed the font of the cover line to 'Bebas neue' and put them in different text boxes to get rid of the gap between them. I then added a yellow rectangle box and put it on a slant swell as the cover line and placed it above the text. I then added the words 'EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW' in the same font and the same colour as the cover line.

Double page spread process 8

The next thing I did was add my interview. I split my text into 3 columns to make it look more organised. The font I used for the questions was called 'Bebas neue' which was from dafont.com and I changed the colour to match the colour of the apostraphies. For the rest of the text I used 'Bookman old style' which was from photoshop.