Monday 24 November 2014

Weekly plan 2

  • contents page analysis
  • double page spread analysis
  • front cover analysis
  • publication plan
  • equipment used

Research & planning - sample shots

These pictures are examples of mid shots i will use for my music magazine.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Research & planning - music magazine interviews and analysis

From these interviews which i asked my peers (my target audience) i found out that i should:

  • price my magazine between £2 and £3
  • use bright colours for my colour theme
  • include interviews, upcoming artist information and concert information in my magazine
  • include giveaways and competitions

Friday 21 November 2014

Research & planning - interview questions

1)would you buy a pop magazine aimed at older teenagers?
2)how much would you be willing to pay for a pop magazine which comes out every 2 weeks?
3)what colours would you associate with a pop magazine?
4)what content would you like to see in the magazine?
5)would giveaways and competitions attract you to the magazine?

Thursday 20 November 2014

Research & planning - existing pop magazine analysis

This cover is from 'Billboard' magazine which has a very similar target audience to me. The colour theme for this cover is black, white and yellow. The black and white show the magazine is sophisticated but the yellow connotates it is also aimed at teenagers and adds a pop of colour to the cover. The yellow also stands out against the black.
The shot type is a mid shot which is the type i will be using for my music magazine. This is effective as you can see her facial expression. 
I think the target audience for this magazine would be males and females as Taylor swift appeals to the female population but males could also be attracted to her.

Monday 17 November 2014

Research & planning - millenials

Millenials is a generation from the 1980s to the 2000s. This will be part of my target audience. People that were born in this generation are classed as  'digital natives' which means that they were born growing up with technology. This will help with my target audience as it means that they use the internet often as it is what they know. They will access songs from pop artists more on the internet as they use things like 'youtube' and 'spotify'.

Research & planning - fonts

For my music magazine i considered which fonts would stand out and which ones wouldn't. 
The font 'Sans' would be a good font to use for a masthead. Masthead fonts can be used by brands to recognise the business. For example, you can recognise 'Adidas' for their font.
Therefore, i need to ensure my font for my masthead will stand out.

I also considered the font  'serifs' . i decided that this font would be good to use for text as it has curved edges and is therefore easy to read. It would not stand out enough for a title though.

Weekly plan

This week I have planned out the posts I am going to do in order to be more organized.
  • interview questions 
  • interview videos and analysis
  • test shots
  • research on fonts

Sunday 16 November 2014

Research & planning - model appearances

As my genre of music for my magazine is pop, the models i use will have to look sterio typically 'normal'. For example: they would not have bright hair such as pink as this may be seen as rock or indie. The clothes my model will be wearing will be clothes from high street shops such as Primark and Topshop.

Research & planning - medium close up examples

These are examples of medium close ups which i will be using for my music magazine cover. I will be using a medium close up because many magazines use them and you can see the facial expressions of the person.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Research & planning- pop artists

Before i start drafting my magazine, i need to consider what pop artists i could include within it.

I could use a female icon such as Taylor Swift to attract girls to my magazine as she is a female role model.

I could also use an artist such as Ed Sheeran as he would attract males. Although he would attract females, males would also be attracted to it and this would open up my target audience.

I could also use a celebrity such as Cheryl Cole which would attract a male audience because of her appearance but females would also be attracted by her as she could be seen as a role model.