Wednesday 29 April 2015


Who's would be the audience for your media product? why?

gender: Female
age: 14
occupation: High school student

Hobbies: Shopping, hanging out with friends, listening to music
Where would they shop: hughstreet shops like topshop and new look
Favourite music artists: Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, One Direction

My target audience would be around the age of 12-16 and they would still be at high school. 
They would listen to music artists which I would feature in my magazine. These artists would be under the pop category and my target audience would get fashion inspiration from them and will look up to them so I need to make sure that I don't include celebrities in my magazine which have a bad reputation as my target audiences parents would not be okay with their child buying this. Artists with good reputations would be liked by my target audience such as Taylor swift or Ellie Goulding which are music artists which teenagers are able to look up to for inspiration.

In my target audiences spare time they will like to do shopping, hang out with friends and listening to music. This means it's important for me to include content relevant to their hobbies so they will be more interested in reading it. I will have to include content about pop artists, include competitions for concert tickets and fashion information.

My target audience would wear clothes such as jeans and leggings and casual tops for the daytime and maybe shirts or dressy tops for when going out. My audience isn't too old so they won't be wearing privative clothing and will be still int he phase of wearing plain and comfy clothes but the older end of my target audience may be starting to experimenting with their style and and wear clothes from high street shops.

My target audience will typically shop t high street shops such as new look and topshop as they are affordable and accessible for audience as they aren't old enough to have a job and if they do it will be very low pay so they don't have enough money to afford to shop elsewhere. This means I included clothes in my magazine from these shops.

make animated gifs like this at MakeAGif

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