Wednesday 17 December 2014

Possible double page spread pictures

I did some research on photo shoots with celebrities and this happened to be a popular pose. The first two images look to 'posey' and doesn't look natural therefore i prefer the last two images the most but I'm not sure which one i prefer yet. I like the last two as she is genuinely laughing in them and it looks natural.

Possible contents page pictures

For the contents page i wanted to use a full body image as the image will go down the right third of the page. The first and last image are very similar but i prefer the second image as it looks more professional and she is looking directly into the camera and smiling.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Possible cover pictures

These are the pictures i have took of my model for my magazine front cover. All of them are mid-shots. Out of all 4 i think i prefer the second picture as she is looking directly into the camera smilling and you can see more of her body and it is not too close.

Model outfit for photoshoot

For the pictures for my magazine i made my model have outfit changes so i could pick which ones go on which pages. The front cover is going to have a blue colour theme so i put her in a blue top and the others will not have a prominent colour theme so it didn't matter on the colours of the clothing as much.

Risk asessment

Images of clebrities for conents page

For my contents page i wanted to include images of celebrities as it will attract the target audience as they are already familiar wight he artists. I felt like both these celebrities would appeal to both genders which is ideal as my magazine is unisex. 

Research & analysis - contents page layouts

Research & analysis- double page spread layouts

I did some research on existing double page spreads to help me create mine. I found out that i should do a medium close up of my model and should keep the writing to one page and the image for the other page.

Monday 15 December 2014

Shot list

For my magazine i will be using a variety of different shot types to keep the reader engaged. If i used mid shots for all the pictures then there would be no variety .

  • For my front cover i will be using a mid-shot/ close up
  • For my contents page i will be using a full body shot (long shot)
  • For my double page spread i will be using a mid-shot again

Shooting schedule

My model for my magazine cover, contents page and double page spread will be Rebecca Jones. I will be taking all of the pictures of her on the 16th of December. I have got a model release form to make sure i am allowed to use the images for my magazine.

Double page spread draft

Contents page draft

Front cover draft

Weekly plan 5

  • front cover draft
  • contents page draft
  • double page spread draft
  • shooting schedule
  • model test shots
  • possible magazine images
  • final pictures
  • model release form
  • risk assessment

Model release form

Monday 8 December 2014

Thursday 4 December 2014

Possible masthead fonts

These are the possible fonts i will use for my magazine. I chose these two fonts as they are bold and have extended edges which makes them stand out and easy to read. I also like the fact that they are filled with colour. For my actual masthead, i will have it filled in with black just like these as i feel like it will make them stand out. I think i prefer the first font which is called 'Freshman' as it is bolder and stands out more.

Research & analysis - cover page layouts layouts

In order to plan out the layout of my music magazine, i thought i should do some research on existing pop magazine layouts. From my research i have found out that many of them have the main image overlapping the masthead. They have they have writing such as the kicker and the selling line around the image on either side. Also, the background of the image is either a blank colour or a colour fading out or into another colour.

Equipment and software list

PHOTOSHOP- In media we use photoshop a lot to edit images and to add finishing touches to them. I will use this in my music magazine to edit the images of my model which will go on the front cover and contents page.

CAMERA-  I will need to use a camera for the production of my music magazine as i will need it to take test shots of my model and to take the actual pictures fro my magazine.

MAC COMPUTER- I will need to use the mac computers as they contain software such as photoshop. We also access our blogs through the macs.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Research & planning - double page spread analysis

The headline for this article is 'AMYS INK HOUSE'. The font used for this headline is effective as it looks like dripping ink which relates to the article. Also, you can see in the main image that Amy has tattoos on her arms which also relates the headline to the main image and article.
The layout is very significant as Amy takes up the majority of the double page spread which could show that the main focus is on her rather than what she has to say, hence the reason that the writing is in very small writing which is difficult to read.
The main image is a very provocative one as Amy is in a bra and shorts with her legs open and one hand down her shorts. This means that men will be attracted to this image as it is very sexualised. On the other hand, Women may also be attracted to it as they may want to be like her. It also looks like she has been caught off guard when she is relaxing, lay in bed which girls may be able to relate to.
The colour scheme is black and white which is what the picture also is. It makes the article look very simple. It may also relate to the title as tattoos are typically black.
Amy Winehouse is a pop music artist so the target audience will be people who appreciate and listen to that kind of music. It may also be men as the image is very sexualised of women as they may look up to Amy.

Research and planning- questionnaire

Publication plan

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Research & analysis - Front cover analysis

The font used for the masthead is bold and in the colour black to match with the colour scheme of black and grey. As the title is bold and in large writing, it attracts you to the magazine straight away and keeps you engaged. Some of the letters have been filled in with red, blue and yellow which is done on every Billboard cover. Also, the main image is covering some of the masthead which shows the magazine is well known to the consumer and not all of the writing needs to be visible for the consumer to recognise it.
The colour scheme is black, white and grey which is a sophisticated colour scheme. This is ironic as Lady Gaga is the singer on the cover and she is very eccentric. There has been some bits of purple included in the text around the image which is directly related to the image where her hair is purple.
The target audience for this magazine would be males and females aged 15-25 as it is sophisticated within its colour scheme but it is still 'chart' music so people over the age of 25 would probably not want to read this.
The main image takes up the majority of the page. She is wearing black clothes which could be seen as quite sophisticated but she is pulling one shoulder to the side to show off skin which means the male population may be attracted to this magazine. Her uniqueness is being shown with her purple hair and extravegant jewellery.

Research & planning - contents page analysis

In the left third of the page is Billboards album and singles chart. In the middle third are the contents of the magazine with small descriptions and page numbers to show you where the stories are located. In the right third is a large picture of a singer. The image is not in its own separate box and the background blends into the page. The writing is moulded around the image which I feel is very effective. The three images along the top of the page relate to articles in the magazine, there are numbers next to the images to show you where they are located.
The main colours in this contents page are black, white and blue. The black and blue connotate simplicity. The blue compliments the black and white and also connotates calmness and sophistication within the magazine.
I feel like the target audience of this magazine would be males and females ages 15-24. This is because of the artists featured in the magazine and because of the colours. As the charts are on the left third of the magazine, it wouldn't be targeted at people over the age of 24 as it is very contemporary.
The font used for the masthead 'contents' is very bold which will catch the readers attention straight away. The sub-headings are also in bold to connotate significance of the words..

Monday 1 December 2014

Weekly plan 3

  • voice thread analysing a double page spread
  • questionnaire results
  • cover page draft
  • content page draft

Music magazine name and positioning statement

I had 3 options for my music magazine title. These were:
  • Playlist
  • Fearless
  • Exclusive
I decided on Playlist as it fits in with my genre of music. It is simple and relates to music as people create playlists which include music they want to listen to. This word is a new and current thing as you create this on things like iPads and iPods which are part of the millennium generation.

My positioning statement is 'play it out, play it loud'