Tuesday 2 December 2014

Research & analysis - Front cover analysis

The font used for the masthead is bold and in the colour black to match with the colour scheme of black and grey. As the title is bold and in large writing, it attracts you to the magazine straight away and keeps you engaged. Some of the letters have been filled in with red, blue and yellow which is done on every Billboard cover. Also, the main image is covering some of the masthead which shows the magazine is well known to the consumer and not all of the writing needs to be visible for the consumer to recognise it.
The colour scheme is black, white and grey which is a sophisticated colour scheme. This is ironic as Lady Gaga is the singer on the cover and she is very eccentric. There has been some bits of purple included in the text around the image which is directly related to the image where her hair is purple.
The target audience for this magazine would be males and females aged 15-25 as it is sophisticated within its colour scheme but it is still 'chart' music so people over the age of 25 would probably not want to read this.
The main image takes up the majority of the page. She is wearing black clothes which could be seen as quite sophisticated but she is pulling one shoulder to the side to show off skin which means the male population may be attracted to this magazine. Her uniqueness is being shown with her purple hair and extravegant jewellery.

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