Wednesday 3 December 2014

Research & planning - double page spread analysis

The headline for this article is 'AMYS INK HOUSE'. The font used for this headline is effective as it looks like dripping ink which relates to the article. Also, you can see in the main image that Amy has tattoos on her arms which also relates the headline to the main image and article.
The layout is very significant as Amy takes up the majority of the double page spread which could show that the main focus is on her rather than what she has to say, hence the reason that the writing is in very small writing which is difficult to read.
The main image is a very provocative one as Amy is in a bra and shorts with her legs open and one hand down her shorts. This means that men will be attracted to this image as it is very sexualised. On the other hand, Women may also be attracted to it as they may want to be like her. It also looks like she has been caught off guard when she is relaxing, lay in bed which girls may be able to relate to.
The colour scheme is black and white which is what the picture also is. It makes the article look very simple. It may also relate to the title as tattoos are typically black.
Amy Winehouse is a pop music artist so the target audience will be people who appreciate and listen to that kind of music. It may also be men as the image is very sexualised of women as they may look up to Amy.

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