Tuesday 2 December 2014

Research & planning - contents page analysis

In the left third of the page is Billboards album and singles chart. In the middle third are the contents of the magazine with small descriptions and page numbers to show you where the stories are located. In the right third is a large picture of a singer. The image is not in its own separate box and the background blends into the page. The writing is moulded around the image which I feel is very effective. The three images along the top of the page relate to articles in the magazine, there are numbers next to the images to show you where they are located.
The main colours in this contents page are black, white and blue. The black and blue connotate simplicity. The blue compliments the black and white and also connotates calmness and sophistication within the magazine.
I feel like the target audience of this magazine would be males and females ages 15-24. This is because of the artists featured in the magazine and because of the colours. As the charts are on the left third of the magazine, it wouldn't be targeted at people over the age of 24 as it is very contemporary.
The font used for the masthead 'contents' is very bold which will catch the readers attention straight away. The sub-headings are also in bold to connotate significance of the words..

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