Thursday 25 September 2014

College magazine

The image above is my magazine cover for a college magazine. I took information from doing research (camera shots, questionnaire and existing magazine covers) and interpreted it into my own magazine. I chose on a mid shot for my image because i felt like you can capture the persons facial expressions as well as their body language. I started off by creating an A4 page and using a gradient for the colour of the background as i found it effective.  I chose grey as i thought it looked simple but at the same time professional. I then opened a new document to get rid of the background of the image. I did this by using the quick selection tool and selecting the background and deleting it. I then created a new layer on the original page and added on the image and placed it in the centre. After this, i added a title (masthead), i used the font 'Tarjan pro' as i felt it looked effective and simple. I chose to do the title in black as i was going to add colour in the other writing. I then placed this in the centre of the page at the top. After this i added a barcode (which i got off google images) and placed it in the bottom right corner. Obviously this was on a new layer. I then continued to add font with different stories around the main image and used white and orange for the colours as i felt it stood out. I put the layers with the writing on in front of there image so it would overlap.

I used the same background for the contents page and the same writing as i wanted it to all match and look the same so it would look proffesional to the reader.

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