Tuesday 9 September 2014

Magazine analysis 1

The denotation of the magazine cover is a man with his arms crossed staring directly in to the camera. There is black and red writing around him and the mast head has a gradient of black and red. The red is a prominent colour on this cover and portrays feelings such as anger, danger or even passion for 'coming clean' which is mentioned in the head line.

The feature article photo connotes that the man (Eminem) is angry as he is staring directly in to the camera and his arms are crossed. The Headline 'Eminem comes clean' has a double meaning. One of the meanings is that he is coming off drugs and the other meaning is that he is that he is telling everyone about something he has hidden and that he is changing. This refers to the gradient on the mast head. As the colour is changing, it also implies that Eminem is changing with it.

The audience would generally be males as dark colours are used and it is a rap magazine and usually males listen to rap more than girls. although, it would typically be males, the magazine can also appeal to females as Eminem has a vest on and his arms are on show which are muscular and females may be attracted to this.

The motivations for the reader to buy this magazine would be the writing as it over exaggerates the situations. For example 'literally almost dies' is an hyperbole of the actual situation.

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