Thursday 11 September 2014

Magazine analysis 2

The denotation of the this magazine is a Woman looking happy and smiling directly in to the camera. Some of the writing around the feature article photo supports the picture, whereas some of the writing is nothing to do with the picture. The pictures are mainly pink and purple which shows this magazine is girly.
The feature article photo connotes that the woman (Jessie J) is happy as she is smiling. This relates to the headline where it says "I'm not going to hide anything!". This shows how she is happy and excited about telling everyone things which she has not told before and how she is different to other 'pop stars' as she won't hide anything and others may.
The audience would generally be young teenage girls as this is a music magazine for 'pop stars' and the colours used are pink and purple. These colours are stereotypically girly colours. Also, there are smaller images along the bottom strip of the cover which are boys/men which would attract teenage girls as they would be attracted to them.
The motivation for the reader to buy this magazine would be that The feature article photo stands out as it is on a white background and the headline will intrigue the reader as they will assume they are finding out information about Jessie J that no one else knows.

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